Subscription feeThe subscription fee to use My Free Telecom is only $2.95 per 30 days of service, and it includes a two-way calling feature. HST tax apply to the subscription fee. Service periodYou can subscribe to any service period by calculating your payment at the rate above. If you wish to subscribe for more than 30 days of service, please use the calculator below. Because of the administration cost, we require that each payment should not be for less than 30 days of service. AmountYou can also send any amount of payment, and we will calculate the number of service days for you. The days will be calculated at the same rate. For example, for a $5 payment you will receive 45 days, for a $10 payment you will receive 90 days, and so on. If you wish to pay a specific amount, please use the calculator below. Subscription calculatorPlease select the number of service days, or the amount you want to pay. Then, enter your phone number you want to register (all 10 digits, including the area code) and click on "Show Bill" to see and print your bill. PaymentsOnce you determined the subscription fee and the total payment amount, you can proceed to the payment options (click here). You can also sign-up for a monthly or quarterly pre-authorized payments (click here). |