NEW! Now you can call anywere in Canada!

For the same low fee of only $2.95 /month!

- call anywhere in Canada
- same access number to dial: 416-255-5800
- pre-authrorized payments are now required (monthly or quaterly)
- two-way calling is not available
- make sure your account is active and enjoy your calls!

Customer Service: 416-255-5700

Welcome to My Free Telecom

My Free Telecom is a flat rate, unlimited long distance service within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Whether you need to call your family, friends or clients, with My Free Telecom you can call them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you can talk to them as long as you wish.

You have to be located within the map, and you can call to, or receive calls from, any other place on this map.

The subscription fee of $2.95 per 30 days of service translates to less than 10 cents per day! You can make and receive the calls, and talk as long as you wish. Compare it to the regular long distance rates per minute, and you will see how much you are saving using My Free Telecom!